Friday, 12 November 2010

Always on schedule, but never on time

Right, finally have found the time to sit and right this blog.  Basically last week was pretty rubbish and didn't fancy sharing the dark crevices of my somewhat broken mind with the normal humans being of this world, and course any other that my be out there (it is a probability after all).  Anyway basically they have restructured my team at work, and in the process of created some leader roles to carry out along with our regular activities.  I applied for the team leader role and lost out to somebody who spends more time on Facebook than she does working.  So I was a little bit upset by this.  Anyway, so now I am going to start looking for a new job.  So that was the story of last week.

Won hockey at the last weekend was, which was good.  Nothing much else to say about that.

This week has flown by, luckily managed to get out of the office for a couple of days.  I spent last night in leads.  All I will say is, its grim up north (well at least the weather was).  But it meant I got to 'work' from home this afternoon.  Which basically consisted, various instant message conversation with colleagues and making a few phone calls.

Anyway, am going to go now, and start using Facebook again, so just in case another team leader role comes up I will then be fully trained.

Laters one and all, I will try not to leave it so long until me next post.


  1. "The dark crevices of my somewhat broken mind"... nice. I'm not a normal human being so I can share right? Hope the training goes well, you have clearly grasped the essentials of the current workplace.
    So sincerely delighted you're back little bro.

  2. Bex, you are most defintely not normal. I would probably say extraordinary.


  3. Why thank you... I think ;) xxx
