Well after a couple of days break, which had given me a bit more to write about I am back to tell you all about my weekend. It started badly when I couldn't find my hockey shirt, so had to borrow one that was already worn. Even worse I found my shirt after the game in my towel bag (Doh!!). Anyway back to the hockey. We won 4-0, which was good. Not so good was the moron who decided that rather than play hockey he would turn the match into an MMA fight leading to one particlarly rubbish attempt at a tackle that has left me with a painfull hip joint and sprained wrist. Thankfully he then got nailed by 2 of my teamates a moment later. Even more annoying was the inexplicably imbecilic decision to award the the free hit to the moron that had fouled me. Grrr.
Sunday, played golf at a very nice course, and didn't even have to pay for it. Also Martin O'Neill was teeing off before me. And he was sat in the clubhouse with Dennis Waterman afterwards. Which was quite cool. Other than that a fairly quiet Sunday.
So on to Monday, I knew it was not going to be a great day when 5 minutes after leaving home I got stuck behind some tosspot in a tractor and had to follow him all the way to the M40. Not that it gone any better when I hit the M40. I stayed on for one junction and the decided to to go the back route. So ended up being late. Then spent the first hour on the phone. Very hectic start to the week.
Now for the more interesting part of my day. A pigeon flew into hour office window, which was most amusing. Especially, as it spent the next 10 minutes wondering round the car park looking like it has one too many shandies.
Anyway, think I am going to leave it there for today. I am struggling to concentrate on what I am typing.
So, dance your cares away, worrys for another day.
Didn't end too badly though right? A little skype with your nutty niece! x